This software is the last hottest software for unlock Huawei type C2807 (Huawei Slank version 1 and 2, Huawei Fu, Huawei Bali) and C2606 (Ngoceh 2) not HW ID, cracked. Free gift for you from Mr. Abeq. It's process is very simple, just one click.
I uploaded it on one part, so you can download it easily. No register, no rule, just download.
Use it for education only, not for comercial !!!!
Enjoy it!!!
Thank to Mr Abeq for the wonderfull software
Download software Huawei One Click here
Catatan penting :
Software Huawei Esia ini biasanya ada beberapa software yang terdetek virus, contohnya terdetek antivirus AVG, tapi sebenarnya itu bukan VIRUS
Cara membebaskannya :
Klik tools >> advanced AVG Setting >>> cari “Exceptions” >>> ambil lokasi yang terdetek virus (contoh : E:\hp\cdma\huawei\unlock esia\HUAWEI UNLOCK C2807 & C2606E) dengan mengklik add path.
Software Huawei Esia ini biasanya ada beberapa software yang terdetek virus, contohnya terdetek antivirus AVG, tapi sebenarnya itu bukan VIRUS
Cara membebaskannya :
Klik tools >> advanced AVG Setting >>> cari “Exceptions” >>> ambil lokasi yang terdetek virus (contoh : E:\hp\cdma\huawei\unlock esia\HUAWEI UNLOCK C2807 & C2606E) dengan mengklik add path.
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